

时间:2024-01-06 08:47:16 伤感说说 我要投稿
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  1、对不起,我不会喝酒,我只会做梦。Sorry, I can't drink. I can only dream.

  2、若终将失去,又何必珍惜。If it will be lost, why cherish it.

  3、你的眼中又有一丝邪笑,我还不是很明料。There is another evil smile in your eyes. I'm not sure.

  4、再给我两分钟,让我把记忆结成冰。Give me another two minutes, let me ice my memory.

  5、有的爱,还没开始,可能就要结束。Some love, has not started, may be about to end.

  6、不要再辜负,我的退出,你应该幸福。Don't let me down again, I quit, you should be happy.

  7、烟花美得刺眼,我怕的无处潜藏。Fireworks are dazzling, I'm afraid of nowhere to hide.

  8、我不擅长交际,更没兴趣认识你。I'm not good at communication, and I'm not interested in meeting you.

  9、生活中最大的幸福,是坚信有人爱我们。The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.

  10、夜晚睡不着,白天醒太早。I can't sleep at night and wake up too early in the day.

  11、假装快乐的人,都是熬夜的一把好手。People who pretend to be happy are good at staying up late.

  12、爱情在指缝间承诺,时间在回忆里消失。Love promises between fingers, time disappears in memory.

  13、往事并不如烟,只是认真的人有点可怜。The past is not like smoke, but the serious people are a little pitiful.

  14、我给你最真诚的信任,你却伤我最深。I give you the most sincere trust, but you hurt me the most.

  15、爱的反面不是恨,而是漠然。The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.

  16、南风未起,念你成疾。Before the south wind rises, I miss you.

  17、未来你许她情长,会不会想起欠我的温柔。In the future, if you promise her love, will you think of the tenderness you owe me.

  18、爱情就像剥洋葱总有一层会让你流泪。Love is like peeling onions, there is always a layer will make you cry.

  19、这无法重来的一生,请好好爱自己。This can not be a new life, please love yourself.

  20、当我爱你的时候,你却已经有了她的好。When I say I love you, you already have her.

  21、孤独是栖息于床底的野兽,忠诚而且自由。And the beast is free to dwell under the bed.

  22、太过悲暗的回忆,要怎样去忘记?Too sad dark memories, how to forget?

  23、就是因为失去了,才会觉得心有不甘。It's because of the loss that I feel reluctant.

  24、日后,尽量别叫今天的泪白流。In the future, try not to let today's tears flow in vain.

  25、爱上一个人,就给了他伤害自己的能力。Falling in love with a person gives him the ability to hurt himself.

  26、幸无所爱,无畏山海。Fortunately, no love, no fear of mountains and seas.

  27、孤单是一门艺术,能欣赏它的人少之又少。Loneliness is an art, and few people can appreciate it.

  28、没有人能够永远年轻,但永远有人正年轻着。No one can be young forever, but someone is always young.

  29、委屈的时候不敢说话,开口都是泪。I dare not speak when I feel aggrieved, but tears when I open my mouth.

  30、那戒不掉的微笑,洋溢着幸福的味道。That can not give up the smile, brimming with the taste of happiness.

  31、灯火星星,人声杳杳,歌不尽乱世烽火。The lights and stars, the voices of the people, the songs are endless.

  32、在爱情里,永远搞不明白到底是先伤了谁。In love, never understand who hurt first.

  33、我不知道哪一声再见代表着永别。I don't know which goodbye means goodbye.

  34、当初哭着分不开,现在都能用微笑释怀。 When I was crying, I can't separate. Now I can let go with a smile.

  35、别人以为我没事儿,可是有多少人知道。People think I'm ok, but how many people know.

  36、破镜重圆,痴心妄想。Reunion, delusion.

  37、我的心很小很小,却已经全部都给了你。My heart is very small, but it's all given to you.

  38、如果你够独立,谁都可以失去。If you are independent enough, anyone can lose.

  39、万般故事,不过情伤。易水人去,明月如霜。All kinds of stories, but love hurt. Yishui people go, the moon is like frost.

  40、因为太喜欢你,看谁都想情敌。Because I like you so much, everyone wants to be a rival.

  41、为你哭过的人,一定很爱你。People who cry for you must love you very much.

  42、毫无预兆的想念你,是我不可告人的隐疾。Missing you without warning is my hidden disease.

  43、有时候,心里很难受,却不知为啥。 Sometimes, I feel very sad, but I don't know why.

  44、别让我一个人悄悄难过,也许是我要得太多。 Don't let me feel sad alone, maybe I want too much.

  45、你给我的一滴泪,我看见你心中所有的海洋。 You give me a tear, I see all the ocean in your heart.

  46、木讷这事,如果干得好,叫深沉。If you do a good job, it's called deep.

  47、借钱是孙子,还钱是大爷。It's grandson who borrows money, but it's uncle who pays it back.

  48、你知道我属什么吗,我属于你。Do you know what I belong to? I belong to you.

  49、留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆。It's a pity that we can't touch them. They fall into our memories.










