

时间:2023-10-29 06:59:49 伤感说说 我要投稿
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  1、如果可以不悲伤、那什么换都无所谓。If you can't be sad,it doesn't matter what you change.

  2、耳朵里塞满悲伤,我听不到幸福。My ears are full of sadness,I can't hear happiness.

  3、愿有人不怕天黑和鬼,只怕你心酸皱眉。May someone not be afraid of darkness and ghosts,just afraid of your sad frown.

  4、讨厌你的不在乎,讨厌你对我忽冷忽热。Hate you don't care,hate you to me hot and cold.

  5、你爱了那么多人,却只记住了一个人的名字。You love so many people,but remember only one person's name.

  6、从前改变不了,现在不想改变。 I can't change it in the past,but I don't want to change it now.

  7、我陷的比你早,你爱的比我少。 I fall in earlier than you,you love less than me.

  8、从此陌路,世间只有你我,再没有我们。Since then strangers,the world only you and I,no us.

  9、没有在深夜痛哭过的人,不足以谈人生。People who have not cried in the middle of the night are not enough to talk about life.

  10、你有你的红颜,而我却只有自己。You have your beauty,but I have only myself.

  11、爱上一个人不可怕,依赖上一个人才最可怕。It's not terrible to fall in love with a person. It's most terrible to rely on a person.

  12、放不下的时候,多想想对方是怎么放下你的。When you can't put it down,think about how the other party put you down.

  13、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应当是坚强。 When the tears flow away,the left should be strong.

  14、有些人再好,也只能做朋友。Some people can only be good friends.

  15、你们不要跟我讲道理,我又不是讲道理的人。Don't reason with me. I'm not a reasonable person.

  16、你的故事太多,我的酒仿佛不够喝。You have too many stories. I don't seem to have enough wine.

  17、生活本来就不容易,一路且行且珍惜吧。 Life is not easy,go all the way and cherish it.

  18、情书写给山鬼,心事寄于西风。 The love letter is written to the Mountain Ghost,and the heart is sent to the west wind.

  19、我们的爱只爱到一半,约好的幸福不能靠岸。Our love is only half,and the Promised Happiness can't reach the shore.

  20、过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。Fault is a temporary regret,and missing is a permanent regret.

  21、图什么不好,偏要图一个人对你好。What's wrong with the plan?It's just that one person is good to you.

  22、所谓郁闷,就是灵魂失去了哄骗自己的能力。The so-called depression is that the soul has lost the ability to deceive itself.

  23、不是爱情经不住时间,而是时间经不起善变。 It's not that love can't stand time,but time can't stand fickleness.

  24、我用尽全力,过着平凡的一生。I try my best to live an ordinary life.

  25、当依赖变成了习惯、却再也舍不得离开。When dependence has become a habit,but no longer willing to leave.

  26、不管世界怎样,请用微笑面对。 No matter how the world is,please face it with a smile.

  27、你是青春里最烈的酒,我真的认真醉过。You are the strongest wine in youth. I've really been drunk.

  28、渐渐的我们少了冲动,多了一份婉转和忍让。 Gradually we are less impulsive,more tactful and tolerant.

  29、毕竟你是我的全世界,我怎么舍得放弃。After all,you are my world,how can I give up.

  30、请你一定要比我幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。 Please be happier than me,so that I can quit in vain.

  31、爱沦落就沦落,爱闯祸就闯祸。 Love is falling,love is making trouble.

  32、你说时间会冲淡一切,距离会让我们好过些。 You said time will dilute everything and distance will make us feel better.

  33、我路过你的门,却不进你的城。I pass by your gate,but I will not enter your city.

  34、有些伤痕就像大火,把心烧焦难以复活。 Some of the scars are like fire,which scorch the heart and make it hard to revive.

  35、你已走远,可我还在慢慢习惯没有你的生活。 You have gone far,but I'm still getting used to life without you.